This is Sonam – My father Saubhagya Mathur passed away tonight.
We’ve been in India on a trip visiting family, and a few days ago he had a heart attack. He was discharged from the hospital today and came home but tonight he became unwell again and passed away at the ER.
Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.
We can’t take any phone calls at this time but appreciate your love.

Shree, This is a real devastating news. This is the second shock within few months. It is only a few weeks since our1976 patelian soubhagya Chandra Mathur left us. And now Ashis Dutta, 1976 AGE. Ashis Dutta was a professor at IIT Kgp. Ashis and I go back many years. He was a year junior to me. Ashis, Shree and I, did our masters from Rutgers University. In fact Ashis and I had the same professor Dr Wolfe as our Masters advisor at Rutgers. The last i met him was during Patelian Kumb Mela in 2008. I am sure I should be able to dig some pictures of Ashis from that meet. Our sincere condolences. May he rest in peace. Om shanti – Your friend .. Prem Puthur