Obituary 1981

Rahul Dasgupta
1981 Batch – Ex Geophysics

Message by Hillol on Rahul Das Gupta’s Demise on April 29, 2021
Rahul Das Gupta, Patelian, our batchmate 1981 has passed away. Covid/heart attack.

Message by Prakash K Chatterjee on Rahul Dasgupta
A close friend of mine at Patel Hall. Was in the Patel Hall Basketball team. Very much Bridge enthusiastic.
Spoke to him very recently. Lost a close friend and very good person by heart.
May his soul rest in peace.
May the Almighty God give strength to his family at this hour.

Message from Sudhanshu Bakshi on Rahul Dasgupta
One of our ex-Patelian Dr Rahul Dasgupta, ex- ED, oil India expired today!
He was from Geophysics Discipline and must be around 1981 batch.
He had undergone kidney transplant in 2019